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Writer's pictureAndrew Kilgore

The Theory of Everything v1.4

by Andrew Rutledge Kilgore

12/13/2021 - 1:15 PM

Side Note: The purest state of consciousness, which is the singularity before the beginning of time, is known as Ein Sof. “Filtered Consciousness” is another term for light-consciousness that has been spread throughout matter. (Example: The Brain of a living organism)


We are all the same consciousness in different people, as all matter is conscious to some extent. This consciousness becomes “filtered” as it amalgamates into living and nonliving beings. The entire universe is dependent on observation, which is inherent to all matter. Light is consciousness and makes up matter. All individual living beings experience the universe from the center of the Torus, which is the conjunction of the white and black hole. Other universes may exist within our own as other black holes/white holes exist within our own universe and may give rise to our own universe. As a result, different Cosmological Cycles get nestled within our own. In other words…Consciousness and Conformal Cyclic Cosmology can help explain the Paradoxes of Black Holes and merge the Theory of Relativity with Quantum Mechanics using the dynamics of the 4-D Torus Model


This paper serves as a Theory of Everything. It makes bold statements about the creation and future of the Universe. It builds upon the work of Roger Penrose and Walter Russell, and uses knowledge from ancient Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) to support its claims.

Methods (derived from personal and cited thought experiments)

Timeline of the Universe:

-First there was the singularity in the previous universe, or Ein Sof (alpha)

-Filtered consciousness occured shortly after the previous Big Bang, when this singularity expanded

-The flattened bottom of the Torus (Previous Universe) expands → Previous

Universe forms a Black Hole within itself possibly from a collapsing star → Singularity occurs in this Black Hole

-This singularity, or Ein Sof (beta), acts as its own Big Bang and expands until at the center

-The Center is your physical birth and the formation of your brain

-Your life occurs in the middle, at the conjunction or center of the Torus

-After physical death, your filtered consciousness collapses and returns to a singularity

-Physical Death occurs shortly before the End Exponential Expansion of

Universe (beta)

-Physical Death Occurs →White Hole (Exponentially Rapid Expansion) → Space-time becomes flattened on the top of the Torus → Space-Time reverts back into a singularity

-This occurs because your consciousness/matter gets rapidly spread throughout the

universe after physical death (White Hole), and your filtered conscious expands back into a singularity (See Torus Models below)

-Hypothesis: There is no sense of time after physical death, so our perception of time stops and time, from the perspective of the one dying, rapidly and exponentially speeds up after death

and then...

-After the Torus flips, it becomes flat on the bottom again (forming a singularity) and the rebirth of filtered consciousness occurs as the new Torus/Universe (Gamma) expands once more. Consciousness is spread throughout the rest of the matter in the universe until it self-assembles into animate and inanimate matter

–This concentration of matter is your physical birth and life at the center of the torus, which flips back again after death

-White Hole occurs after physical death and the cycle repeats

-This next Black Hole/Universe has a singularity which is the known as Ein Sof, or pure infinite consciousness in a single point

-Birth/Death and The Universe possibly cycle infinitely because Universe (alpha) is likely not “the first universe” but rather our own universe somehow

Side Notes and Universal Laws:

-Observation from all matter determines the course of time

-Observation determines the Past and Future position of photons (Ex: Delayed-Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment)

-The Physical World cannot exist without matter, thus consciousness and the universe is dependent on “vibrating entities”/ the elements and their constituents.

-Remember, Universe (alpha) is likely not “the first universe” but rather our own universe somehow

-The universe consciously made the decision to self-assemble its light into matter, and eventually life itself

-See Kabbalah’s Tree of Life for more on how the Ein Sof expands

Images for Understanding and Methods Continued

Basic Torus Model - A 4th Dimensional Representation of the Universe through time

Side Note: Universe Flattens and curves in on itself (Norman 2020)

Consciousness in the Universe is Scale Invariant and Implies an Event Horizon of the Human Brain (Meijer 2017)

The Flower of Life (2nd Dimensional Model of the Torus)

See the Instagrams: Robert Edwarrd Grant (@robertedwardgrant) , the Resonance Science Foundation (@resonancescience), and Mental Universe (@lightisconsiousness) for more information

Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (BK 2021)

Kabbalah’s Tree of Life (Levi 2009)

Images for Understanding and Discussion Part 1

The purest state of consciousness, which is the singularity before the beginning of time, is known as Ein Sof. After Tzimsum occurs, the Tree of Life begins. Malkhut represents this state of consciousness just moments after the Big Bang. Each Sepheriot downstream represents how this state of consciousness used the frequencies associated with the Hebrew letters to construct matter, and eventually you and your living experiences. Your life occurs at the Conjunction of the White and Black Hole from which the Ein Sof emanates.

Side Note: Tzimsum describes the process in which God contracted the Ein Sof within himself to create the physical realm. It is the process which formed the Big Bang.

Diagram by Christian Knorr von Rosenroth (Public Domain)

Side Note: Rosenroth’s Diagram depicts the Ein Sof in the Tree of Life and how matter was created afterwards through the amalgamation of light-consciousness into sacred geometry

Kabbalah's Circle of 5th’s Model (Representation of the Christian interpretation of the Kabbalah)

The 72 names of God - Each frequency can be added together to form different layers of matter such as Quarks, Neutrons, Protons, Electrons, Ect.(Novian 2016)

Circle of 5th’s Continued - forms 231 Gates which “help” form matter (Levi 2009)

Side Note: Each Hebrew Letter stands for a Frequency that Constitutes Matter

The Simplified Circle of 5ths - Each point at the end of each line represents a Hebrew letter/frequency (Jones 2017, Artwork by John Coltrane)

The Sri Yantra - Ancient Hindu Symbol that shows the Formation of the 64 Tetrahedrons which create the holofractal structure of Space-Time (Conrad)

A Photon may escape per cycle to form its own universe/black hole to constantly update our own universe. These universes/black holes get nestled within our own in the Planckian wormhole architecture of spacetime.

See The Resonance Science Foundation and Nassim Haramein for more information (Haramein 2014)

Supporting Mathematics (Weisstein)

Walter Russell’s Cosmology Theories

Images for Understanding and Discussion Part 2

The Ein Sof, or the ONE Dynamic Force (Pure Consciousness), splits itself into two forces: Electricity and Magnetism.

Walter Russell: “Motion begins its expression by an infinitesimally slight over-balance electrically, and an under-balance magnetically, of particles of the One substance. This increases the appearance of two forces which move away from each other at 180 degrees, each force spirally seeking its own pressure zones. Electricity seeks itself alone against magnetic resistance. The contest between the two forces develops pressure zones of positive force which increase in gravitative power toward the nuclear centers of distrubed areas. As centrifugal and centripetal force increases in their opposition the plane of spiral expansion decreases. Imagine these lines drawn on the surface of a cone into which you are looking and you will know the lines of force of the hydrogen atom. Shorten the cone gradually until these lines are as flat as a watch spring and you then have the carbon atom. The axis of the cone is the dimension of the ecliptic expansion”

Russell proposed several laws:

Law 1: “Generating matter seeks higher pressure zones. Positive electricity is force generated against pressure resistance. Positive intensity increases with contraction due to pressure resistance in streams flowing in opposite directions. Positive electricity is the accumulating, absorbing, endothermic force of contraction which seeks higher pressure”.

Law 2: “Radiating matter seeks lower pressure zones. Negative electricity is force radiated in the direction of pressure assistance. Negative intensity decreases with expansion due to pressure assistance in streams flowing in the same direction. Negative electricity is the dissipating, separating, exothermic force of expansion which seeks lower pressures”

Law 3: “All direction is curved”

Law 4: “All motion is spiral”

Russel believed that “Mass is an accumulation of the universal constant of energy into higher potential. The greater the mass the greater the potential. Mass accumulates inductively along the centripetal lines of closing spirals, and is rotated by the impact of genero-active force. Mass dissipates conductivity along centrifugal lines of the opening spirals and is rotated by the expulsion of radio-active force. These opposite forces are the cause of rotation of mass”

Side Note: Russell’s diagram at the end resembles the Penrose Diagram and Kabbalah’s 231 Gates

Russell’s Proposition for the Creation of the Elements

Understanding the Diagram: Electricity and Magnetism both seek a higher potential of the universal constant of energy. In the process of reaching this equilibrium, light is formed (The Electromagnetic Spectrum), which conglomerates into the Elements of the Periodic Table.


The One Dynamic force in Russell’s notes is the Ein Sof, or the purest state of consciousness (God): A singularity at the beginning of time. The One Dynamic Force split into Electromagnetism, or Malkhut. This electromagnetism formed the physical world and matter was created. By extrapolating Russell’s and Penrose’s diagrams, we can see that the past and future are reflections of each other, just as they are in the Torus, the 4th Dimensional Model of the Universe. Motion in the Torus is spiral and curved as predicted. The Torus operates on consciousness and its infinite cycles of expansion and contraction.


Appendix B - - Excerpted from The Alphabet that Changed the World. Meru Foundation. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from


BK, B., 2021. Conformal Cyclic Cosmology The theoretical physicists Roger Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan propose that the universe iterates through… | Cosmology, Physicists, Universe. [online] Pinterest. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 December 2021].

Daniel Conrad (Chromacon), artwork by Daniel Conrad under direction of Harish Johari. — Original photo by self (Chromacon)

Haramein, N., Brown W., & Val Baker, A. K. F. (2016). The Unified Spacememory Network: from cosmogenesis to consciousness, Journal of Neuroquantology.

Instagram Links Below:

Jones, J. (2017, April 12). John Coltrane draws a picture illustrating the mathematics of Music. Open Culture. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

Levi, Jerome. (2009). Structuralism and Kabbalah: Sciences of Mysticism or Mystifications of Science?. Anthropological Quarterly. 82. 929-984. 10.1353/anq.0.0091.

Meijer , D. M. K., &amp; Geesink, H. J. H. (2017, September). (PDF) consciousness in the universe is scale invariant and implies an event horizon of the human brain. ResearchGate. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

Norman, H. K. N. (2020, July 15). Is the torus model of the universe a larger version of a spiral galaxy? Quora. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

Novian, M. N. (2016, September 20). 72 Names of God Chart. Novian Fine Art. Retrieved December 12, 2021, from

Representation of the Christian interpretation of the Kabbalah, depicting the mystical names of God, from Oedipus Aegyptiacus, tom. 2, vol. 1, p. 287.

Walter Russell - Work in the Public Domain and Unpublished

Weisstein, Eric W. "Torus." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.

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